The style of shoe above is my favourite reference for my Marie Antoinette creations. I love the exaggerated point at the front which has a lot of toe spring [toe spring is the rise or curve upward of the sole at the forefoot; used to help roll the foot forward when walking] and the way the high heel comes right underneath the arch which is to give the impression of feet that are small and delicate. I also love the embroidery over the fabric used to make the shoes.

In actual fact Marie Antoinette's shoes were probably more often like these shoes (to the left) with a lower heel. However I have used artistic licence and based my shoes for her on the style above.
I finally overcame my reluctance to start and did my first mock-up.

As I had expected (& one of my reasons for procrastination) there are a several parts that don't fit together. The sole is too short and slightly too wide and I have marked the signature stamp on the base in the wrong place. I will need to work very quickly to make the front and back of the uppers before the clay dries out as I've been very ambitious with the planned decoration. As these shoes have the exaggerated toe spring I now think it will be helpful to make a support for the for this part...so back to the cardboard & copydex.